2024 sponsorship levels described in black text on yellow background. TCDIC logo and pictures of the cultural celebration included

*Indicates the grand total, inclusive of perks from other tiers.

Become a SPONSOR

Tri-Cities comes together at the end of each summer to

celebrate the beautiful diversity of our region.


Your donations make it possible.

As a sponsor:

  • You have the joy of promoting inclusivity in your neighborhood.
  • You let your clients, customers & employees know you value diversity.
  • You enjoy the festivities with a variety of perks!

Thank You or your Support!

Google Pay
Use Android or iPhone App and search:



Make checks payable to:

5426 N. Rd. 68 Suite D #130
Pasco WA, 99301

Donate Button

What will your donations be used for?

We host events throughout the year such as cultural celebrations, free food and hygiene product distribution, school supply drives, youth financial literacy and mental health programs, voter registration, high school/college scholarships, workforce development, refugee support, restorative justice processes, and more. Your donations also help us pay for operational expenses so that we can increase our internal capacity and sustain our work long term.


TCD&IC Office Location:

3315 W. Court Street, #109
Pasco, WA 99301